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Collaboration Project

Public Art/ Featured Project/ Cross-field cooperation/ Community engagement Dear Pen Pal_Opositive festuval-1.JPG
Dear Pen Pal, O+ Festival 2022- SO+mewhere 

Dear Pen Pal, is a drop-by event where the community is encouraged to recall the temperature of connecting with people they love by sending a physical message, letting people have a pause from their busy lives through creative activities, and giving people an experience of illustration to imagine the world. This community engagement project has three sections, Post Hugs Here, The Mailing Box Installation and the two-solo exhibition by Maxine Leu and Corina Willette at Worlds End Comics. moon arts festuval.jpg
2022 The Fuller Moon Arts Festival@ Warwick

The Fuller Moon Arts Festival is presented by Wickham Works, Warwick Dance Collective, & the Orange County Arts Council, it celebrates the convergence of performance, art and nature with a one-day festival featuring live music and dance, interactive art installations, and short plays. In this project, Maxine Leu was commissioned by Wickham Works and created a group of outdoor Dandelion sculptures. 

Eco Arts Week@ D.R.A.W. Kingston 2022

D.R.A.W. celebrated the 52nd Earth Day with the first Eco Arts Week April 9th-16th, 2022. This is a week of Arts-driven exploration into sustainability, ecology and upcycling practices through workshops, lectures, and exhibits for the community. Collaboration between: Lara Giordano, PUGG, Beth Humphrey, Julia Palmer and Lisa Kelley at D.R.A.W. Kingston, co-host Maxine Leu, and teaching artists: Roberta Ziemba, Linda Weintraub, Kate Patterson at Little Mountain Books, Kelly McGrath, Lara Giordano, Sergey Jivetin, Luke Sarrantonio, Amanda Heidel at Mushroom Shed, Emily Puthoff and Elena Sniezek at Hudson Valley Bee Habitat, Lujiang Li and Maxine Leu.

HFA 2021 Project

Habitat For Artists (HFA) a collective project created by Simon Draper in 2007. The “habitats” are small, temporary, 6’ by 6’ studios that made from reclaimed material, installed at a variety of locations. HFA 2021, the collaboration between: ArtPort Kingston, the contact committee, Michael Asbill and Beth Humphrey, the 18 HFA 2021 residency artists and volunteer interview video producer Maxine Leu. 


HFA 2021@ArtPort Kingston

HFA Residency interviews | @hfaeast

2021 Rye'sAbove Butterfly Artists

Rye’sAbove, a public art project and fundraiser led by The Rotary Club of Rye and The Rye Arts Center. Maxine Leu as one of the 34 selected artists, their goal is to uplift the community through the arts while supporting educational programs in the region. 

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2020 Community of Peace Art Project

Community of Peace Art Project, a public art project and fundraiser led by Stone Wave Yoga, Sunflower Art Studio, Roost Studio, and New Paltz Chamber of Commerce. The selected artists repurposed wood into a peace sign, peace pole or sculpture. All projects spread positive, uplifting, focusing on messages that knit the community together. All proceeds go to a future artist scholarship fund in the region. 

Kurt and Arlette (Sky and Ground) 

The collaborative team of Michael Asbill and Maxine Leu built sculptures to honor the Surrealism painter, Kurt Seligmann at Seligmann Art Center in Sugar Loaf, NY. The project was commissioned by Orange County Citizens Foundation and SunCommon.

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Introductory video of artist's work 

Contemporary sculptor, Megumi Naganoma focus on rape awareness art. Naganoma and Leu published the four minutes intro video about her work, Listen to them in the versions of English, Spanish and Chinese.
The Jam-The Best show in 2018

The SUNY New Paltz Narwhal team, Prof. Emily Puthoff, Megumi Naganoma, Joseph Kattou and Maxine Leu made the sculpture, Multi-Species Commons for pollinators in Sculpture Space in Utica, NY, USA.
New Media- Art Cooperation

Performance artist, Amanda Heidel and Maxine Leu combined the new technology and interactive devices into the new conductive performance.
Found The Mysterious Identity

Maxine Leu and Prof. Sheng-fa Yang who teaching Eastern Art History in TUT, Tainan, Taiwan helped to find out the identity of the 19-century Chinese painter, Ke-chang Dai for Samuel Dorsky Museum at SUNY New Paltz.
Sticky Sculpture and Edible Sculpture!?

In 2014, the exhibition, Sculpture In The Park- Millennium Park Public Art curated by the curators, Bo-feng Sun and Jun-ming Fan. The part of the exhibition, Environmental Art Creativity competition of Sticky Sculpture curated by the coordinator, Ying-zheng Su and CEO, Maxine Leu.
Beautification of Mosaics Publicart 

In 2012, Mosaics artist, Lin-gjun Ye and her students made the beautification of mosaics public art in Tainan Yan-shui shi-lu, Tainan, Taiwan.

Maxine Leu Art Studio / New Paltz, New York, USA

maxineleu artstudio @​

© 2017-2025

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  • Instagram - @maxineleu
  • YouTube - Maxine Leu art studio
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